Service Details

Tax Consulting


Fiscal Compliance (Outsourcing)


The complexity in the form of calculation, control and compliance with tax obligations is a proof any structure in companies. Keep a structure for calculating taxes and compliance with accessory tax obligations can be very costly compared the quantitative and qualitative movement of the company. Let your taxes in the hands of our team centralize efforts on your business.


Tax Planning


Turn taxes in strategic action in your business. Create a competitive advantage in your business legally reducing the tax burden. Ask the Tax Consultants TASK do, without any commitment, an assessment of deployment possibilities of reduction projects and / or statutory recovery of taxes. In this case our fee will be linked to effectively availed benefits.


Tax Review


Nothing worse for a manager to be caught off guard with tax assessments for non-compliance or inadequate compliance with tax obligations, accessory or principal. Punitive fines, those made by the tax authorities and can reach 150% of the tax due, are much more expensive than paid spontaneously.


Ask the Tax Consultants Team TASK do a full review of current procedures and / or past adopted by your company. The review life both the identification of risks and contingencies with the existence of opportunities.


Administrative Defense - Tax assessment


It is very common for a company to be assessed by the tax authorities irregularly. At this stage the discussions with the tax authorities is not legal but technical, and this is how it has to be treated in search of success.


If your company was sued by the tax authorities of any level, Municipal, State or Federal, request a visit from our consultants and we will make an assessment of each case. If our staff understand that there defense conditions will build all the technical arguments based on both the interpretation of legislation in those discussed in the administrative courts and / or court.